About Felicia

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I believe that:

  • We all have energetic strengths, we just need a guide to show us what they are.
  • Kids are very more sensitive to shifts in energy and that it can affect their daily lives.
  • We are whole, complete beings. There is nothing “wrong” with us… We are all challenged and struggle with parts of ourselves.
  • We hold trauma in our bodies that are keeping us from being our highest and best selves.
    I believe that we hold ancestral trauma in our bodies that don’t belong to us, it belongs to the humans that came before us
    I believe we are responsible for our healing and until we take responsibility change won’t happen. I only support you in what you are willing to release and let go.
    I believe that there are many terms for the divine energy that surrounds us. God, Goddess, Divine, Universe, or whatever term helps you name this. (it could be your pets name… )
    I believe that using all the tools to help our mental health will reach the best outcome. Therapist, healer, acupuncturist, guru, personal trainer, nutritionist. All is important to keeping your mental and physical health at its best
    I believe we can have conflicting emotions at the same time and it is very very normal
    I believe in meeting you where you are spiritually, using the terms you are comfortable with.
    I believe being human is hard, that we are all dealing with our own struggles and challenges, and that you are worthy of all the LOVE
    I believe LOVE is the biggest energy healer of all
    I believe that brain and the heart can fight and sometimes it is really hard to know which one is talking. I can help with that
    I believe the kids being born over the last 20+ years are here to shake up the world energetically. That they can sometimes feel alone because they don’t fit the previous traditional expectations.
    I believe that in order to support those kids in sharing their power they need help to do so in order to not to shut their gifts dow

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1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 94220


(255) 352-6258



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